10 Best Nursery/Primary Schools in Akwa Ibom State

Best Nursery/Primary Schools in Akwa Ibom State will be listing out the top ten schools that are dedicated…

Best Nursery/Primary Schools in Akwa Ibom State will be listing out the top ten schools that are dedicated to optimum service delivery.

Best nursery and primary school in Uyo

10 Best Nursery/Primary Schools in Akwa Ibom State
Best Nursery/Primary Schools in Akwa Ibom State – Photo Source: https://www.facebook.com

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There are so many schools in Akwa Ibom State. All of these schools are doing their best to ensure the right upbringing of the children within their walls.

These schools have their belief system, core values, and mission statements that drive them daily. Some of these schools stand out for their exceptional customer service while others just deliver excellence as their lifestyle.

These are schools that you can send your child to and be relaxed knowing that when it comes to quality education, your child or ward will get it.

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Best Nursery/Primary Schools in Akwa Ibom State

1. Monef Schools

The school is situated at 14, Ben Udo Street, Ewet Housing Estate Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. It has the ultimate goal of stimulating the children in their custody the development the skill they need to succeed in the competitive world that they find themselves in without damaging their ethical sensitivity.

They treat every child in the school as a member of one family. They understand that every parent wants the best for their wards and they are committed to delivering quality education to every child in the school with not even one left behind.

Their target is to be the number one nursery and primary school globally by making sure that every child in their custody leaves the school with the best result possible.

If you are interested in admitting your child to this school or have any inquiries at all, feel free to write to them at info@monefschools.com

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2. Graceland Schools

Known for referring to their children as ‘Gracelanders’, one of the schools that come to mind in Akwa Ibom State when it comes to quality education is Graceland schools.

The School is located at 8, Graceland school road, Uyo, and they are dedicated to excellence in early childhood education.

One other utmost desire is to develop holistic children who utilize their cognitive, psychomotor, spiritual, and affective skills.

Their method of teaching is structured towards preparing their children for top examinations around the world. They also teach vocational studies to help sharpen children’s creativity.

3. Kingdom Heritage Schools, Uyo

Owned and managed by Living Faith Church, Ikot Ebido, Uyo, Kingdom Heritage Model school is a one-stop school when it comes to the right spiritual upbringing of children.

The school’s curriculum and methods of teaching are veered towards leading the children not just to excellence in academics but also in their spiritual lives, making them have a real experience of the risen Christ. The school has values that every child needs to imbibe.

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4. Dove International Schools

Located at 42, Osong Ama Estate, Uyo, Dove International school is a top-notch school in the state. The school’s ultra-modern facilities and drive towards outstanding excellence make her stand apart from others.

Dove international school helps mold the hearts and MIMD of children, tilting them towards seeing only possibilities. Children who have successfully finished their six years of primary education in school stand out from other children. Their hands-on activities are just superb.

5. Etiedu Nursery and Primary School

Talk of Education, you cannot miss out on Etiedu International School. The school is situated at 4, Ebong Street, Oron Road, Oron, It is a great school with a very high moral standard yet very affordable.

The school has core values on which it runs and they do not celebrate mediocrity in any way. They make sure that all the children in the school are carried along when teaching and they aim only for the best.

6. Full Life International School

The school which was founded on the 26th of September, 2006 is headed by the Lady Proprietor, Pst. (Mrs) Ukamaka Ntia, a pastor, counselor, mentor, and visionary leader, is also a wife to Rev. Ntia I. Ntia of Full Life Christian Center, Uyo.

Ever since the school began, the school has retained its place in the education market as a Christian school. The school operates a Nigerian and British Montessori curriculum to help children in the school with not just sound academics but also a sound moral and mental background so that they can compete favorably in the world at large. They are focused on molding the next generation, one child at a time.

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Other good schools include:

  1. Qua Oboe Church Group School
  2. Rayfield Private Schools
  3. Aylward Schools
  4. Daylight Schools.
Those are the 10 Best Nursery/Primary Schools in Akwa Ibom State on our list.
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