Advantages and Disadvantages of Being Vegetarian

Advantages and Disadvantages of Being Vegetarian are listed and discussed in this article. You will find it informative.

Environmental pros and cons of vegetarianism

Advantages and Disadvantages of Being Vegetarian
Advantages and Disadvantages of Being Vegetarian – Photo Source:

Advantages of being a vegetarian

Vegetarian diets are highly recommended for patients with high blood pressure as it is a vegetarian diet, and many can rule out the use of drugs.

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A vegetarian helps and encourages the preservation of our forests and also assists in solving the problem of overfishing. Highlighted here, are five advantages of being a vegetarian.

1. You are liable to have low blood pressure

It has been observed medically that vegetarians have low blood pressure because mostly their diet is a vegetarian diet and these diets are recommended for patients with high blood pressure without any additional prescription.

2. Longevity

Vegetarians have a greater chance of leaving longer and healthier. Also, the diet of vegetarian does not contain saturated fat and cholesterol and this reduces the risk of having any chronic diseases.

3. It guarantees environmental benefits

The avoidance of meat is highly beneficial to the environment. For example, most of the joints of beef or chicken can be replaced with other nutritional values.

Due to the high demand for meat, it destroys the land and pollutes the oceans, rivers, seas, and even the air. This is because many of these bones refused to decay over time which affects the environment. If avoided, humanity could help preserve the environment to a large extent.

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4. Reduces the risk of diabetes – A

A vegetarian diet is not a cure for diabetes but it reduces the risk of having any associated symptoms of diabetes A.

5. The responsiveness of being overweight is very low. The Vegetarian diet helps you to manage and control your weight gain.

Disadvantages of being a vegetarian

It is due to certain fear such as the fear of spending excessively on meals, and loss of favorite and highly esteemed foods. Highlighted here are five disadvantages of being a vegetarian.

1. deficiency of protein

Protein is an important nutrient needed in the body to build and repair muscles, bones, hair, and even the skin. A vegetarian avoids eating any form of meat and meat can be classified as one of the parts that sufficient amounts of protein when used in any diet.

Animal-sourced foods are regarded and tested to be very high in protein compared to other protein sources. A vegetarian is likely to have a deficiency in protein in both the short and the long run.

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2. Risk of colorectal cancer

It intensifies the risk of having colorectal cancer. According to clinical nutrition, the incidence of colorectal cancer among vegetarians from observation is greater.

3. Most vegetarians require dietary supplements

Dietary supplements with vitamin b12 are highly recommended for vegetarians to have adequate levels of the nutrients in the body.

Most vegetarians take. Multivitamins are precisely invested to serve as a supplement to a vegetarian diet. This should multivitamins containing sufficient levels of b12. Vitamin b12 is an essential nutrient that has the function or the role of supporting the bone, influencing energy levels, and helping in red blood cell formation.

4. A vegetarian has to learn how to cook

Another disadvantage is that vegetarians have to learn how to cook properly since their meals require a study of a cooking menu.

As such it becomes very difficult for a vegetarian to eat foods or snacks offered in bars, restaurants, eateries, or on occasions as many of these meals are prepared for mass consumption. Every vegetarian should learn how to cook easy and complex meals to suit their specifications.

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5. You might have limited meal choices

A vegetarian diet may lead to nutrient deficiencies and a vegetarian is as limited in his or her choice of meal as almost every food is prepared with a meal as its major contain. A vegetarian diet must be made and prepared to suit their choices.


Despite the vegetarian’s negligence of protein obtained from animal meat, to avoid having protein deficiency, the vegetarian should visit a dietitian who can advise him or her on the intake of protein from other sources other than meat. Such sources include green vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds, whole grains, and so on.

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