How to Prevent Infections at Home: 14 Ways

How to Prevent Infections at Home: 14 Ways are provided in this article. This will guide you to achieve a hygienic lifestyle for your home.

How to prevent bacterial infections

14 Ways to Prevent infections at Home
Prevention of Infection – Photo Source:

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Most opportunistic infections can safely be managed within the community at a reduced cost to the patient and community.

A clear understanding of the disease will also enable the infected to adopt certain lifestyles and eating habits that will promote good health.

People who are invented with several viruses or infections should know that these infections and other viruses destroy the individual’s immune system thus exposing him or her to certain myriads of opportunistic infections.

This situation is alarming or made worse by the prevailing ignorance on the management of the infection both in the hospitals and the community.

This information is very vital to every human being needed that is, men, women, boys, girls, poor, rich, educated, and even the uneducated.

Most viruses spread through blood, semen, vaginal secretion, breast milk, sexual contact, shaking hands with an infected person, hugging, sneezing, etc. This article will focus on how one can prevent several infections at home.

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14 Ways to Prevent infections at Home

    1. Always wash your hands for at least twenty seconds even before cooking, eating, giving, or taking medicines, feeding another person, especially a baby, and when caring for a newly born baby. Also, wash your hands immediately after using the toilet, and even when urinating as a lady, use tissue paper to clean the surface of your vagina properly. When changing a baby’s napkin, wash your hands.
    2. Avoid putting your hands inside your nose because it is not hygienic. If you mistakenly put your hands in your ears, or your nose, wash your hands with soap and water.
    3. Keep the house and its surroundings clean to prevent the bleeding of certain insects such as flies and mosquitoes around your home.
    4. Cover your mouth when sneezing and coughing.
    5. Avoid spitting around. If it is a symptom of early pregnancy, always spit into a container with a lid. Then empty the spit into the toilet or pit latrine and wash the container with detergent and hot water.
    6. Avoid touching another person’s boldness.
    7. Do not share personal items that may have blood or other body fluids on them such as toothbrushes, razors, earrings, pants, and other underwear, etc.
    8. Sterilize the skin-piercing instrument by boiling it for at least twenty (20) minutes or soaking it in diluted bleach.
    9. Wear latex gloves when attending to a cut or bleeding nose but where there are no gloves, use a polythene bag to avoid direct contact with blood.
    10. Cover all cuts or shores with a waterproof plaster
    11. Wear heavy-duty gloves when handling linen soiled with blood or other body fluids. Such linen should be rinsed immediately with cold water and washed with detergent and water.
    12. Moisten hands with hand or body cream frequently so they do not become chapped or cracked and thus open to blood-borne germs.
    13. Wound dressings must be handled carefully with gloved hands. The kit should not be dumped into a pit latrine, buried, or burnt.
    14. Where there is blood spillage, soak the spillage with disinfectant first, then mop up with tissue paper. Wash the floor with detergent and hot water.

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Conclusively, all infections aim at weakening the immune system. Thus, prompt medical treatment should be sought and prescribed treatment should be adhered to for proper medical care if symptoms persist after three days.

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