Ecobank Nigeria Salary Structure

Ecobank Nigeria Salary Structure helps you know Ecobank Nigeria Salary Structure. If you are considering working with Ecobank,…

Ecobank Nigeria Salary Structure helps you know Ecobank Nigeria Salary Structure. If you are considering working with Ecobank, you need to read this.

Ecobank Salaries

Ecobank Nigeria Salary Structure
Ecobank Nigeria Salary Structure – Photo Source:

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Ecobank is often called the giant bank. It is out of their strength and passion for good banking that they acquired Oceanic Bank a point.

The head office of Ecobank is in Lagos and the location is at 21, Ahmadu Bello Way, Victoria Island, Lagos. The bank has a commercial banking license with national authorization.

Ecobank Nigeria is one of the most dynamic, authentic, and reliable banks in Nigeria. They prove that it isn’t the noise that matters but the result.

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Ecobank possesses great resistance against every form of tough and turbulent economic situation or meltdown. They are resilient and their teamwork spirit is incomparable

The bank was once known as Oceanic Bank Nigeria Plc. Truly the bank is a Pan-African bank. Ecobank has established several branches in francophone countries in West Africa like Togo, The Gambia Senegal, and lots more.

Ecobank has a large customer base and still expanding by the day. Contrary to public opinion about them, the bank is actually one of the best-paying banks in the country.

Their staffs are well enumerated, and their system allows for employees who are dedicated to their jobs to progress through ranks in the system over time.

This article brings a deep insight into the salary structure of the bank. If you want to know how much Ecobank staff are paid to do their jobs, this is the right capsule for your search.

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Ecobank Nigeria Salary Structure

Here is Ecobank Nigeria Salary Structure: 

Graduate Trainees’ Salary

From the least of them, we have the Graduate Trainees. These individuals are employed on a ‘temporary basis’. This temporary status usually lasts for a period of a few months to a year.

During this period, the new recruits undergo intensive training in banking systems, operations, policies, and terminologies, in order for them to get acquainted with the requisite skills and knowledge required for the job.

During the time of this training, they are paid monthly. Ecobank pays its graduate trainees a salary of N49,000 monthly.

After they are done with the training and are evaluated, those who scaled through are recommended and approved for promotion to the next level in the hierarchy, which is the Entry-level or Basic-level.

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Entry-level or Basic-level Salary

This level is not temporary; employees are considered permanent staff at this level. Entry-level staff is a step higher than the Graduate trainees.

One single step might however mean a huge difference in salary outcome. Ecobank pays its entry-level staff a monthly salary of N141, 000.

Loan officers’ Salary

Loan officers are paid a monthly salary of N663, 000. This is about 7.9 million naira per year. This is not all, they are also entitled to some allowances and fringe benefits.

Credit analysts’ Salary

Credit analysts are considered one of the most strategic functionaries in a proper banking system. Their responsibilities and how they carry out these responsibilities directly or indirectly result in either achievements or failures of the bank at a given time.

Credit analysts are paid about N747, 000 monthly salaries. This is about 9 million naira per year in addition to their benefits and allowances.

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Branch Managers’ Salary 

As the name implies, branch Managers are at the top tier leadership scale in their respective bank locations. Branch Managers are responsible for all administrative functions and technical oversight of the branch of the bank where they are posted.

Branch Managers earn a salary of N846, 000 monthly. Added to this sum, is a wide range of allowances and an official car.

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