What Causes Stomach Ulcers – Signs and Treatments

Ulcer: Causes, Signs, and Treatments will be discussed here. It is caused by an infection with a bacterium;…

Ulcer: Causes, Signs, and Treatments will be discussed here. It is caused by an infection with a bacterium; Helicobacter pylori.

Severe Stomach Ulcer Treatment

Ulcer: Causes, Signs and Treatments
Ulcer – Photo Source: https://www.sunnewsonline.com

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Stomach ulcers also known as gastric ulcers are chronic sores in the stomach or small intestine, it is of peptic ulcers.

It sometimes causes severe, dull (Sometimes very sharp) pains in the pit of the stomach. Oftentimes, the pains lessen when the person drinks water or eats food. The pains usually get worse in an hour or less after the person has eaten.

Should the person miss a meal, or takes in too much alcohol or fatty foods, the pain equally gets worse. Without what is called ‘endoscopy’, it is often hard to know whether a person has a stomach ulcer or not.

A stomach ulcer is often predominant in people in whom the thick layer of mucus that protects the stomach from digestive juices is drastically reduced to the minimum, hence, facilitating the digestive acids to eat away at the tissues of the stomach. When treated early, stomach ulcers are easily cured, but when ignored, stomach ulcers can become severe.

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Ulcer: Causes

  • Incessant and prolonged use of aspirin and ibuprofen.
  • Infection with the host bacterium ‘Helicobacter pylori’.
  • Eating late or skipping meals frequently.
  • Eating too much spicy or scented foods.
  • Stress is a result of tedious work.
  • Drink too much alcohol.

Ulcer: Signs

The most common sign associated with an ulcer is:

1. Burning pain which is often caused by the ulcer

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Other signs include but are not limited to:

2. Indigestion

3. Light-headedness

4. Blood vomiting

5. Nausea

6. Presence of blood in the stool of a person

7. Abdominal pain just below the ribcage

8. Loss of weight

9. Swelling on the inside

10. Shock; when this happens, the person should be given immediate medical attention

11. Bright blood present in one’s vomit

12. Severe sensation in the heart

13. Loss of appetite for foods.

14. Vomiting of red or black blood

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Some other abnormalities are often considered to be stomach ulcers and to be sure that a person has a stomach ulcer, the person can be diagnosed in two ways Upper GI series (UGI) or Endoscopy (EGD).

To diagnose a person with an ulcer effectively, tests are often carried out using blood samples, tissue from the body of the affected person (this is done in cases where an endoscopy has been done), and breath tests.

However, the treatment given to ulcers caused by medications varies from the one given to ulcers caused by Helicobacter pylori’

Ulcer: Treatments

  1. To treat ulcers, eat nutritious meals and try as much as possible not to skip meals.
  2. Alcohol opens up ulcer wounds, so try as much as possible to avoid them.
  3. Avoid painkillers as much as possible except those recommended by a physician.
  4. Take 300mg of Vitamin E every day.
  5. Eat a lot of unripe bananas because it contains water-soluble polysaccharides
  6. Take two tablespoonfuls of original honey daily until the ulcer is treated then one tablespoonful daily afterward.

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  1. If you are diagnosed with an ulcer, use garlic a lot; eat them, chew them and even use it often for cooking your meals.
  2. Make juice out of fresh cabbage and take 50 milliliters daily to fight off ulcers.
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